Wednesday, August 22, 2007

my body was swaying side to side again in malay class.
what's wrong with me?!
i come to the lesson with energy bursting inside but i end up falling asleep.
and i tried my best to keep my eyes open but i cant.
got scolded again.
its lyk a routine for me already.
english was quiet today.
not much discussions.
we were given a task to complete.
and i managed to finish mine in the class itself.
got scolded during maths lesson cuz i wasnt paying attention.
well i got yk and ahbird to teach me exercise15.
played some stretchin game to see whose head can touch their kness while standing up.
after that went for HOM.
we will start building the model next week.
we were give much more time than NA students.
their dateline was 2weeks before ours.
after HOM went to limbang foodcourt to meet sherry.
weeliat,zona and her stead were there too.
but only me and sherry were gonna watch the movie.
watching secrets.
heard its a very touching story.
took bus there and bought our tickets.
went to the toilet since there's still plenty of time.
yk i now understand what you meant when u said sherry is entertaining!
went back up to buy our food and stuff then entered the cinema.
inside the cinema me and sherry were still as noisy as we were outside.
eh but she's noisier!
even so, we kept quiet once the movie started.
movie was good.
interesting plot.
and i admit the movie was touching but i didnt cry though.
sherry cried.
me and yk's prediction was true.
i will not say no to seeing this movie again lah.
after the movie me and sherry walked around lot1.
we said we will walk around all the levels.
we were also waiting for weeliat to come.
went around walking and sherry bought some stuff.
and i paid for her one tag which said 'fuck you'.
she wanted to use it on her dnt teacher.
saw amanda and sokmeng at lot1 too.
met weeliat outside minitoons.
then i left cuz amanda angry with me already.
and i dun ven noe wad i did.
do you disapprove my being with her so much?
you want me to stop mixing around with her izzit?
at least say something lah.
dun juz say those words then nvr tell me where i went wrong.
even though i always distrub you.
i'm still just as bothered when you dun wanna talk to me.
my mood's all gone now because of you.

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