Sunday, August 19, 2007

did my netball runs before going to assemble outside pe room.
took height and weight.
put our bags at class 4G and left for Mt Faber.
the trek wasnt that tiring.
its juz we were going uphill.
but overall not tiring.
faridah and zelia as usual were the noisiest.
there was this funny thing that happened while we were going down the stairs.
one ssc guy(i forgot his name) was walking behind me.
he was talking to his friends in malay.
he was saying something lyk..."this trip not effect!"
then he suddenly slipped and fell!!
the steps were slippery of course.
but the funny thing is he immediately fell after saying NO EFFECT!
after that everyone kept teasing him by saying NO EFFECT!
reached sch and bathed.
had dinner.
i totally regretted not eating lunch lah!
cuz the dinner was so little!
and i was really hungry since i haven ate anything.
for those who know me, i eat alot when i'm sick!
in the end juz put up with it.
i was too hungry too complain.
played badminton for awhile with some peeps.
then went to the spin room for a talk.
was rather late cuz too engrossed with badminton already.
mrong gave us the talk while ssc had a break i guess.
but their break is usually playing frisbee lah.
some played basketball badminton or soccer.
its fun playing sports at night.
just have that different kind of feeling.
and its much more cooling.
had dessert after that.
its some kind of soup with sweet potato and longan in it.
i only liked the hot feeling the soup gave.
and of course the longan.
didnt eat the others.
felt lyk playing sports again but no one wanted to play with me.
so went back to the classroom and did some homework.
hahahaha.isnt that surprising?!
stopped doing homework when i was totally stuck.
played cards instead.
played blackjack and uno afterwards.
was smsing jocelyn in between.
the rest got bored and went to sleep.
only me and cindy were awake.
we went outside and saw faridah and zelia.
ssc girls were just in the classroom beside us.
faridah is still as high at night with her giraffey.
many kranjians were awake doing their homework.
this is a good thing but it also shows teachers give too much homework!!
some mugged till 3plus in the morning.
i went to lie down at around 2plus.
couldnt sleep that well.
kept waking up.
and zhenyi didnt reply my sms!
cant blame her.
she has bilingual stuff tmr.
at around 6.50am, went to the toilet to freshen up.
went down to the canteen at 7 to have breakfast.
saw yuting and zhenyi and of course some other ppl.
we left the school at 8plus and reached changi ferry terminal one hour later.
was sleeping on the bus.
kept leaning onto ziwei.
there was once i leaned too much and almost fell over!
started our walk after the short toilet break there.
it was tiring at first cuz we were walking on grass.
walked mostly with faridah today.
she was just as crazy as ever.
how to describe her?!
hmm..of a different kind??
she saw a big leaf.
and she dragged it while walking for no reason at all.
when she finally let go of the leaf,
she even gave it a farewell hug and kiss!!
there were many other stuff she did that was just as crazy.
but of course i cant remember all of it.
we passed by changi airport and our sec2 campsite!
it definitely brought back memories.
had our lunch at SAFRA.
our lunch was made ourselves.
we were grouped into 5.
my grp members were charlene,charmaine,ziwei,cindy.
and someone from my group juz is a bitch lah.
you think you're a big shot then dun need carry stuff izzit?!
other ppl are also tired not only you!
dun expect the ssc to always help you.
and you're not even sick or wad but complain damn lots.
all of us ignored the bitch after that and did our own stuff.
let her be the loner.
we finally reached east coast.
walked on from there.
it was raining but it did make the weather cooler.
doreen is one crazy ssc too!
the walk in east coast was less tiring cuz the ground was flat.
saw the stjohn ppl there too.
i was the first to reach our final destination...BIGSPLASH!!!
but there was no more bigsplash.
there are some construction works going on.
but mrkong walked further down so i juz followed suit.
the teachers are all very nice lah.
can talk bout juz anything to them.
and really enjoyed their stories.
reached an open field which i call CAT FIELD.
cuz its full of cats!!
played with the cats there.
there was one who liked me too.
keep going around my legs and allowed me to scratch its ears and stroke its fur.
but sadly the bus came and we had to leave.
i shall go back to the field some other days.
didnt fall asleep in the bus on the way back.
wasnt that tired.
reached sch and straightaway took our bags.
proceeded to pe room to take our weight.
i exercised and ate moderately but still put on weight!!
even so i wasnt that bothered by it.
was looking forward to going home and sleep all i want!!
and true enough when i reached home,
i quickly had a short bath and slept till the next day!
overall the TAF camp was good.
had a sense of accomplishment of walking 20km,which is a long long way to go!

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