Thursday, August 16, 2007

came sch only after recess.
went to the doc to take my vaccinations.
got a jab each for both hands.
i really have to thank my dad for allowing me to go.
that means i'm off that not eating and not sleeping phase.
actually didnt feel lyk going to sch after that.
but wanted yto see how sherry was and also find sheena.
even we and sheena juz chatted recently.
i felt lyk its been ages since we chatted.
joined lessons after that.
during english lesson.
emilia wanted to go to the toilet.
so i accompanied her.
actually jocelyn was supposed to accompany her.
but surely both of them will get scared in the end.
decided to go the toilet outside the science lab.
while walking there i told her there was 'something' in the last cubicle.
i did it for good purposes not to scare her!
then i entered the toilet first.
emilia didnt want to enter lah!!
she say i was gonna scare her.
i sweared hell lots of times i wanst gonna scare her.
but she choose not to listen.
in the end she didnt even enter the toilet and we went back to class.
at the end of the lessons i told msfazlin that emilia didnt dare use the toilet.
msfazlin made her even more scared by telling the class freaky stuff.
emilia was covering her ears.
though msfazlin intended to scare emilia.
i bet some other ppl like jocelyn freaked out too right?!
oh btw emilia said i looked scary!!!!!!!!!!

after sch went for the malay theatre.
gosh its such a waste of time.
was practically trying to keep myself awake.
and when i couldnt take it.
i juz dozed off.
then my body was lyk kept rocking back and forth.
and the show was so borring!
i could have been training happily if not for this!
but going for trainings can also sometimes dampen my spirits.
i love netball and will fight juz for it.
if i come late or cant come.
i have my valid reasons.
but i dun usually skip trainings.
and i only come late on tuesdays cuz of maths clinic.
and now i guess i'll be missing september hols training.
this buggs me even more.
knowing that i wont be able to come for training.
i juz wonder how some ppl are able to get off so easily without a reason.
and while i have reasons i cant be excused.
managed to do some shots while the rest trained.
stopped at 100 cuz my arms began to get numb.

while walking home saw yk,zhenyi and a ew other 2a peeps.
and when yk called i gave an irritated reply.
i'm really so sorry.
i didnt noe you all were waiting for me.
sorry sorry.
i feel damn guilty now.
i myself cant figure out why we keep arguing now.
little matters juz sparks me off.
and i'll only regret afterwards.
but wads the point of that.
its lyk we cant talk much face to face .
if we do i think i'll get easily pissed off for dunno why.
you thought i wouldnt apologise.
but here i am specially apologising to you.
maybe my mind was juz in a whirl.
and i let it out on you.
i know you wont mind after a while.
but i still feel i should apologise.
now that everything's okay.
i wont be so fierce/harsh/mean or whatever words you use to describe it.

i'll juz elaborate on the main points.
was supposed to watch movie with sherry.
cindy and yk came along too.
actually wanted to watch alone but they dun have that show anymore.
so we not that sure what to watch.
after sch me and cindy walked to cck sports complex to wait fro sherry.
yk didnt go in the end cuz of certain reasons.
when we reached the pool.
found out sherry not there!
she went home to get some stuff for her dad.
so i wasted my money to go in the pool.
talked to sheena and mryeo was lyk looking until very wad luhs.
cuz we were standing very close and also holding hands while talking.
maybe he thinks we're les??
like that only what.
not as if we doin illegal stuff.
then after he shooed me away the mood for chatting disappeared!
then waited for them and took bus to lot1.
sherry told us to meet her there.
but in the end she said she not coming.
she called me up to apologise.
but really i dont mind.
you are sick.
go and rest.
and the reason why i went along today cuz i didnt wanna see you cry.
we can still go out some other time.
take care of yourself first.
thats what matters most to me.
went back to school cuz had india meeting at night.
ssc peeps were playing frisbee.
but got chased away by the principal herself.
after the meeting was super happy.
cuz my dad gave in.
i really have to thank the teachers and my parents of course.
i shall work harder.
all i have to do is study hard!

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