Friday, August 24, 2007

got back some results today.
i missed one mark to A1 for my lit CT.
finally passed my geog map test for the first time ever!
i did skip 2 questions though.
but i know i'll confirm fail my home econs and science.
cuz i got 0 for home econ coursework.
i did it already.
but my friend forgot to print it out.
oh well i cant do anything also.
for science...
chem: 33plus%
physics: 40plus%
i did study lah.
guess it wasnt enough.
nvm shall study harder next time round.
recess was as usual walking around and went to find ppl.
talked to sheena and sherry.
sherry you cant lie to me lah.
i know something's bothering you.
and you were quite quiet today.
wont i suspect something's wrong?
home econs were okay.
baked muffins.
mard did most of the work today.
thanks mardy!
and i pissed mdmtan off again.
i spoiled the oven in the home econs room.
and there she was nagging off what's left of the lesson.
and it didnt take long for ppl to find out.
well not ppl BUT the whole class!
i went back nto the classroom and ppl were talking bout me spoiling the oven.
drats!who spread it?!
wanted to smuggle one muffin into 1D to give zona and sherry to share.
but msho caught me!
so cant give them.
overall the muffins were tasy!
after school felt lyk shooting but they had the teachers thingy.
so instead went to lot1 with yk,peisi and zhenyi.
i was supposed to reach home by 4.
but i didnt give a damn.
its actually been quite long since i went out them.
lunched at kfc.
saw amanda and sokmeng.
they also ate together with us.
then me,yk,peisi and zhenyi walked around lot1 to pass the time.
saw sheana and gang.
they were laughing lyk mad cows!
had nth to do so we went to comic's connection.
saw this soft toy and i carried it around the shop.
felt bored so started to do passes with yk using that soft toy.
even played volleyball with it!
played for quite long before the shop person came to our place.
i saw her approaching earlier and hid from her.
yk also walked away.
she did not stop following us though.
looked at some keychains and finally decided to leave cuz was getting bored.
yk noticed the shop person was still following us.
he said to think she suspects us?
the shop person then approached us and said we were suspicious!!LOL.
yk guessed correctly!
so because of that we had to be checked.
poor peisi and zhenyi.
they had to open their instrument cases juz to show that person.
and its lyk we were still laughing and walking around in the shop!
if we stole surely we'll scoot immediately lah.
had to empty our pockets blahblah.
and its a total waste of time.
but well such things dun juz happen to anyone right!
saw two of my pri sch friends and told them wad happened.
they laughed their asses off upon hearing my story!
it was pretty funny if u were there in the shop!!
the person let us off once she couldnt find anything.
we walked around a bit more and went to the library.
saw lyndi,cassandra,najiha and shanling there.
and they were talking bout horny stuff.
before your mind starts wandering away.
let me clarify this first.
their horny talks were NOT at all horny lah!!!!
they are so pure and innocent!
dunno wads masturbating!
dunno wads oral sex!(same lyk jocelyn last year)
so they sarted asking me to chat bout horny kind of stuffs.
so i told them bout wad we did for last year's sex education lessons.
then from there on the chat took many different turns.
they're very curious on the topic lah.
well cant blame them.
its only natural to be curious.
let's have an open mind bout it yeah.
we left soon cuz need go back sch to take blazers.
and our bags were still all in sch.
took bus there cuz we were kinda tired.
lyndi sat the same bus as us.
i took the whole round with lyndi and met up with the other 3 back at sch later.
helped the auntie to lock up the classrooms.
after that me and zhenyi walked around the school.
wanted to look for balls but couldnt find any.
went to sit at the basketball court with alina.
chatted quite awhile and i managed to scare her after a failed first attempt!
i went under the stairs and poked her ribs.
then she screamed!
mission accomplished!
but my shirt got very dirty in the process.
after that me and zhenyi went to the pull-ups area.
yk came there too.
from there on we tried the different physical exercises.
there was this balancing game.
we took turns to play on it.
the player has to safely finish the game without falling off.
the other 2 ppl will try to make the person fall by scaring or other methods.
had lotsa fun scaring each other.
zhenyi is the easiest to scare lah!
she falls off very fast!
there was once i was sitting down resting cuz my stomach very pain from laughing.
then suddenly yk fell down without any warning.
he was lyk pressing down on my head!
zhenyi almost fell many many times too.
see her play quite scary actually.
cuz you have to keep thinking if she's gonna injure herself a not.
shall play this balancing game again!

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