Wednesday, August 29, 2007

lessons were juz the same.
but today i was more alert during lessons.
that includes malay lessons.
geog was interesting as always.
learnt bout titanic during english lesson.
was doing my work during maths lessons.
and i understood what mrkoh was talking bout.
lit was juz going thru corrections.
didnt go for HOM cuz had the environmental outing.
went to Golden Village Marina.
watched the Inconvenient Truth.
its a show bout global warming.
some ppl are juz damn irritating.
and sad to say so some are from our school.
after that had a forum with some scientists.
i liked one of them very much.
he was very witty and knowledgeable with his reply.
and after this trip i realised i'm kinda interested with these stuffs.
if only my science was good as well.......
i will definitely look forward to such trips.
hope the things i learnt today can help with my geog micro-teaching.
stayed back after the trip to finish up my english in sch.
think its better for someone lyk me.
and i only realised i missed out one point after writing my conclusion.
so decided to go home and edit it.
and some ppl dun juz get instructions.
teachers already said ONLY netballers can play with the ball.
doesnt mean your friends are girls you can allow.
and since when did netball change to basketball?!
basically today sucked.
someone pissed me off by his words.
another one pissed me off by his actions.
i shall not be so specific for this part.
then some ppl pissed me off by their behaviour.
lastly the one bout netball.
maybe some ppl will say i only blame others from the way i write.
but get the full story first.
maybe you'll also agree with me.
well its your freedom of choice.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

got to see our ppr results.
i failed 3 if i'm not wrong.
science,mother tongue and english.
mother tongue and science i'm not so bothered cuz i failed even badly last time.
but how could i fail english?!
that was my favourite subject besides literature.
and i did put in effort.
there were some reasons to why i didnt hand in my work.
and supposingly i only owe one piece of homework.
but the paper shows i owed 3!
and i did badly for lit too.
i thought i could get an A this time.
i really wanted an A for lit.
but in the end i got only a C6.
yeah i BARELY passed.
and now i know i dun stand a chance to go lit course.
to think i even qualified to go for that course.
i know i did pass but i should have gotten more marks.
my assignment screwed up the whole marks.
if only i didnt fail it....
today sucks except for netball.
at least there's something to brighten my day.
today coach mood was gd!
well towards the end of training.
at the start of training we were punished cuz couldnt complete the drill.
and i think we did it for close to 1 hour?!
and it was the same drill over and over again.
after that did the splitting drill.
hmms..i dunno wad to call it!
so there was this curse.
most of the shooters couldnt get in their shots.
atfirst mine couldnt too.
then i did something which yuting knows.
then after that i broke the curse.
my shots went in after that!!!
jocelyn keep pulling my hair!!
another perfect reason why your name is AHTOOT.
and when i wanted to pull hers,she kept dodging away!
even when i secretly tried to go behind you,you'll move away.
you juz knew when i was about to strike!!
played street netball in canteen after that.
super fun though tiring!
we lost by only 1 point?!?!
damn it!
dismissed after that.
went home with daniels and yk.
thanks yk for waiting for me.
though i took quite long.
thought you wouldnt wait luhs.
chatted with danielL for quite long after that.
then we went home cuz was getting pretty late.

Friday, August 24, 2007

got back some results today.
i missed one mark to A1 for my lit CT.
finally passed my geog map test for the first time ever!
i did skip 2 questions though.
but i know i'll confirm fail my home econs and science.
cuz i got 0 for home econ coursework.
i did it already.
but my friend forgot to print it out.
oh well i cant do anything also.
for science...
chem: 33plus%
physics: 40plus%
i did study lah.
guess it wasnt enough.
nvm shall study harder next time round.
recess was as usual walking around and went to find ppl.
talked to sheena and sherry.
sherry you cant lie to me lah.
i know something's bothering you.
and you were quite quiet today.
wont i suspect something's wrong?
home econs were okay.
baked muffins.
mard did most of the work today.
thanks mardy!
and i pissed mdmtan off again.
i spoiled the oven in the home econs room.
and there she was nagging off what's left of the lesson.
and it didnt take long for ppl to find out.
well not ppl BUT the whole class!
i went back nto the classroom and ppl were talking bout me spoiling the oven.
drats!who spread it?!
wanted to smuggle one muffin into 1D to give zona and sherry to share.
but msho caught me!
so cant give them.
overall the muffins were tasy!
after school felt lyk shooting but they had the teachers thingy.
so instead went to lot1 with yk,peisi and zhenyi.
i was supposed to reach home by 4.
but i didnt give a damn.
its actually been quite long since i went out them.
lunched at kfc.
saw amanda and sokmeng.
they also ate together with us.
then me,yk,peisi and zhenyi walked around lot1 to pass the time.
saw sheana and gang.
they were laughing lyk mad cows!
had nth to do so we went to comic's connection.
saw this soft toy and i carried it around the shop.
felt bored so started to do passes with yk using that soft toy.
even played volleyball with it!
played for quite long before the shop person came to our place.
i saw her approaching earlier and hid from her.
yk also walked away.
she did not stop following us though.
looked at some keychains and finally decided to leave cuz was getting bored.
yk noticed the shop person was still following us.
he said to think she suspects us?
the shop person then approached us and said we were suspicious!!LOL.
yk guessed correctly!
so because of that we had to be checked.
poor peisi and zhenyi.
they had to open their instrument cases juz to show that person.
and its lyk we were still laughing and walking around in the shop!
if we stole surely we'll scoot immediately lah.
had to empty our pockets blahblah.
and its a total waste of time.
but well such things dun juz happen to anyone right!
saw two of my pri sch friends and told them wad happened.
they laughed their asses off upon hearing my story!
it was pretty funny if u were there in the shop!!
the person let us off once she couldnt find anything.
we walked around a bit more and went to the library.
saw lyndi,cassandra,najiha and shanling there.
and they were talking bout horny stuff.
before your mind starts wandering away.
let me clarify this first.
their horny talks were NOT at all horny lah!!!!
they are so pure and innocent!
dunno wads masturbating!
dunno wads oral sex!(same lyk jocelyn last year)
so they sarted asking me to chat bout horny kind of stuffs.
so i told them bout wad we did for last year's sex education lessons.
then from there on the chat took many different turns.
they're very curious on the topic lah.
well cant blame them.
its only natural to be curious.
let's have an open mind bout it yeah.
we left soon cuz need go back sch to take blazers.
and our bags were still all in sch.
took bus there cuz we were kinda tired.
lyndi sat the same bus as us.
i took the whole round with lyndi and met up with the other 3 back at sch later.
helped the auntie to lock up the classrooms.
after that me and zhenyi walked around the school.
wanted to look for balls but couldnt find any.
went to sit at the basketball court with alina.
chatted quite awhile and i managed to scare her after a failed first attempt!
i went under the stairs and poked her ribs.
then she screamed!
mission accomplished!
but my shirt got very dirty in the process.
after that me and zhenyi went to the pull-ups area.
yk came there too.
from there on we tried the different physical exercises.
there was this balancing game.
we took turns to play on it.
the player has to safely finish the game without falling off.
the other 2 ppl will try to make the person fall by scaring or other methods.
had lotsa fun scaring each other.
zhenyi is the easiest to scare lah!
she falls off very fast!
there was once i was sitting down resting cuz my stomach very pain from laughing.
then suddenly yk fell down without any warning.
he was lyk pressing down on my head!
zhenyi almost fell many many times too.
see her play quite scary actually.
cuz you have to keep thinking if she's gonna injure herself a not.
shall play this balancing game again!

okay here's the thing.
its not our bday but we're damn damn happy and excited.
especially during training.
we did a drill where the shooters had to run into the circle and shoot.
so i said my shots were specially for DD.
then almost all my shots got in!!
yuting dedicated her shots to JOJO.
and for those shots that didnt go in,
they were for HANHAN,MUMMY and DADDY.
hope we get to see them very soon yeah yuting!
today coach asked us to do splits.
so dunno still muz do right.
after a few times was already slowly getting used to splitting.
although not that perfect and nice lah.
still need to practise.
and the funny thing is,
me and yuting were juz talking bout why coach nvr teach us how to split.
then after that coach told the shooters we had to do split.
at the end of training played some game.
my team lost.
so we had to do 3 suicide runs.
and good news!
shooters can bring back netballs to practise their shooting!!
there will be no training tmr due to some teacher's meeting or whatsoever.
basically today's highlights were juz training and of course DD.
as for yuting it must have been JOJO.
nvm we shall be patient and wait for next year!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

my body was swaying side to side again in malay class.
what's wrong with me?!
i come to the lesson with energy bursting inside but i end up falling asleep.
and i tried my best to keep my eyes open but i cant.
got scolded again.
its lyk a routine for me already.
english was quiet today.
not much discussions.
we were given a task to complete.
and i managed to finish mine in the class itself.
got scolded during maths lesson cuz i wasnt paying attention.
well i got yk and ahbird to teach me exercise15.
played some stretchin game to see whose head can touch their kness while standing up.
after that went for HOM.
we will start building the model next week.
we were give much more time than NA students.
their dateline was 2weeks before ours.
after HOM went to limbang foodcourt to meet sherry.
weeliat,zona and her stead were there too.
but only me and sherry were gonna watch the movie.
watching secrets.
heard its a very touching story.
took bus there and bought our tickets.
went to the toilet since there's still plenty of time.
yk i now understand what you meant when u said sherry is entertaining!
went back up to buy our food and stuff then entered the cinema.
inside the cinema me and sherry were still as noisy as we were outside.
eh but she's noisier!
even so, we kept quiet once the movie started.
movie was good.
interesting plot.
and i admit the movie was touching but i didnt cry though.
sherry cried.
me and yk's prediction was true.
i will not say no to seeing this movie again lah.
after the movie me and sherry walked around lot1.
we said we will walk around all the levels.
we were also waiting for weeliat to come.
went around walking and sherry bought some stuff.
and i paid for her one tag which said 'fuck you'.
she wanted to use it on her dnt teacher.
saw amanda and sokmeng at lot1 too.
met weeliat outside minitoons.
then i left cuz amanda angry with me already.
and i dun ven noe wad i did.
do you disapprove my being with her so much?
you want me to stop mixing around with her izzit?
at least say something lah.
dun juz say those words then nvr tell me where i went wrong.
even though i always distrub you.
i'm still just as bothered when you dun wanna talk to me.
my mood's all gone now because of you.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

as from today onwards,there will be no more morning runs for me.
but i will still go and run occassionally to lose more weight.
can train stamina too!
then i can perform better for netball.
lessons were okay.
did some maths revision with yk.
during lit there was this idiotic teacher who forced everyone to juz do nth there.
we couldnt do our own stuff even when it was a free period.
and tell me honestly...whats so wrong bout seeing posters?!
she wasnt even making such a big fuss but you did!
and i was heck caring her and still put my head on the table.
and i didnt allow her to touch my head.
get your hands off my body!!
maths common test was bad.
dunno how to do!!
i did study though.
maths clinic after that.
for dunno wad reason i managed to finish quite fast today.
guess i really didnt want to disappoint coach again.
and jocelyn you aint dumb okay!
i got ask you for help this time!
rushed down for netball training.
did the staircase run thingy with sherwin.
didnt run properly this ime.
was lyk taking very small steps while jogging.
my stomach really hurts at that time.
then had difficulty breathing.
so had to slow down my pace in order not to walk.
sherwin accompanied me and slowed down too juz in case anything happened to me.
thanks girl!
played court game after doin the normal ball passes and drills.
court game was damn arduous.
yuting see!!
i also got use!
for every mistake we had to do 20pumpings.
and the bricks were so god damn hot and rough.
my arm was really hurting.
and i haven really recovered.
in the end too tired until i missed most of my shots!
muz be disciplined and finish my shots!
100% shots from me.
thats my aim!
pitied puiman today.
she looked so drained and lyk no energy to run!
oh we did have a team talk by mstock.
she warned us again bout not turning up for training.
our discipline as a whole team is still not satisfying i guess.
carried jocelyn and dorothy on the netball poles while keeping them.
we changed the keeping poles area.
now i know kranji holds the record for being the only sch who locks up netball poles!
both of them not heavy ah.
and alot of ppl were carrying the pole at that time.
ginny,me,yuting,shimin,kahfong....did i miss out anyone?
after that me and yuting tried to hide the poles as much as we could.
in the end mission accomplished!
the poles couldnt be seen from outside!
walked home with shimin,kahfong,cindy.
sort of lyk argued with this someone.
i mean stop giving lame excuses lah.
ppl in their right mind will surely think you're at fault.
i dun want to be close to you.
so dun force me too.
i dun lyk you.
get that?!
alot of ppl despise you lah!!
perharps you're totally blinded by that fact.
gosh you're so damn cheap!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

didnt go to sch today.
and i was wondering if jocelyn went to sch anot.
cuz she told me she will be going to see the doc today.
she smsed me later telling she didnt go sch.
chatted with her on msn and we are still chatting and playing hexic now!
in the morning i couldnt even talk.
lost my voice.
but now its a bit better.
i'm wondering also how danielL is controlling the class.
shall get my spies to report on him.LOL.
now i finally know why jocelyn cant walk in a straight line! time muz really make sure she's not at any edges while walking!
and for your own info....
jocelyn is afraid of every animal!!
including pigs!
i still remeber that time we were walking from cdans.
and she thought the dog was a pig.
then she got afraid already!!
tmr there's netball training and maths CT.
hope i dont flunk too terribly for teh common test.
as for netball,hope i wont be sick already.
i know coach dun lyk it when some of the team members dont train together.
i'm totally helpless bout the situation.
but i'll definitely promise to set aside more time for netball as well as studies.
did my netball runs before going to assemble outside pe room.
took height and weight.
put our bags at class 4G and left for Mt Faber.
the trek wasnt that tiring.
its juz we were going uphill.
but overall not tiring.
faridah and zelia as usual were the noisiest.
there was this funny thing that happened while we were going down the stairs.
one ssc guy(i forgot his name) was walking behind me.
he was talking to his friends in malay.
he was saying something lyk..."this trip not effect!"
then he suddenly slipped and fell!!
the steps were slippery of course.
but the funny thing is he immediately fell after saying NO EFFECT!
after that everyone kept teasing him by saying NO EFFECT!
reached sch and bathed.
had dinner.
i totally regretted not eating lunch lah!
cuz the dinner was so little!
and i was really hungry since i haven ate anything.
for those who know me, i eat alot when i'm sick!
in the end juz put up with it.
i was too hungry too complain.
played badminton for awhile with some peeps.
then went to the spin room for a talk.
was rather late cuz too engrossed with badminton already.
mrong gave us the talk while ssc had a break i guess.
but their break is usually playing frisbee lah.
some played basketball badminton or soccer.
its fun playing sports at night.
just have that different kind of feeling.
and its much more cooling.
had dessert after that.
its some kind of soup with sweet potato and longan in it.
i only liked the hot feeling the soup gave.
and of course the longan.
didnt eat the others.
felt lyk playing sports again but no one wanted to play with me.
so went back to the classroom and did some homework.
hahahaha.isnt that surprising?!
stopped doing homework when i was totally stuck.
played cards instead.
played blackjack and uno afterwards.
was smsing jocelyn in between.
the rest got bored and went to sleep.
only me and cindy were awake.
we went outside and saw faridah and zelia.
ssc girls were just in the classroom beside us.
faridah is still as high at night with her giraffey.
many kranjians were awake doing their homework.
this is a good thing but it also shows teachers give too much homework!!
some mugged till 3plus in the morning.
i went to lie down at around 2plus.
couldnt sleep that well.
kept waking up.
and zhenyi didnt reply my sms!
cant blame her.
she has bilingual stuff tmr.
at around 6.50am, went to the toilet to freshen up.
went down to the canteen at 7 to have breakfast.
saw yuting and zhenyi and of course some other ppl.
we left the school at 8plus and reached changi ferry terminal one hour later.
was sleeping on the bus.
kept leaning onto ziwei.
there was once i leaned too much and almost fell over!
started our walk after the short toilet break there.
it was tiring at first cuz we were walking on grass.
walked mostly with faridah today.
she was just as crazy as ever.
how to describe her?!
hmm..of a different kind??
she saw a big leaf.
and she dragged it while walking for no reason at all.
when she finally let go of the leaf,
she even gave it a farewell hug and kiss!!
there were many other stuff she did that was just as crazy.
but of course i cant remember all of it.
we passed by changi airport and our sec2 campsite!
it definitely brought back memories.
had our lunch at SAFRA.
our lunch was made ourselves.
we were grouped into 5.
my grp members were charlene,charmaine,ziwei,cindy.
and someone from my group juz is a bitch lah.
you think you're a big shot then dun need carry stuff izzit?!
other ppl are also tired not only you!
dun expect the ssc to always help you.
and you're not even sick or wad but complain damn lots.
all of us ignored the bitch after that and did our own stuff.
let her be the loner.
we finally reached east coast.
walked on from there.
it was raining but it did make the weather cooler.
doreen is one crazy ssc too!
the walk in east coast was less tiring cuz the ground was flat.
saw the stjohn ppl there too.
i was the first to reach our final destination...BIGSPLASH!!!
but there was no more bigsplash.
there are some construction works going on.
but mrkong walked further down so i juz followed suit.
the teachers are all very nice lah.
can talk bout juz anything to them.
and really enjoyed their stories.
reached an open field which i call CAT FIELD.
cuz its full of cats!!
played with the cats there.
there was one who liked me too.
keep going around my legs and allowed me to scratch its ears and stroke its fur.
but sadly the bus came and we had to leave.
i shall go back to the field some other days.
didnt fall asleep in the bus on the way back.
wasnt that tired.
reached sch and straightaway took our bags.
proceeded to pe room to take our weight.
i exercised and ate moderately but still put on weight!!
even so i wasnt that bothered by it.
was looking forward to going home and sleep all i want!!
and true enough when i reached home,
i quickly had a short bath and slept till the next day!
overall the TAF camp was good.
had a sense of accomplishment of walking 20km,which is a long long way to go!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

came sch only after recess.
went to the doc to take my vaccinations.
got a jab each for both hands.
i really have to thank my dad for allowing me to go.
that means i'm off that not eating and not sleeping phase.
actually didnt feel lyk going to sch after that.
but wanted yto see how sherry was and also find sheena.
even we and sheena juz chatted recently.
i felt lyk its been ages since we chatted.
joined lessons after that.
during english lesson.
emilia wanted to go to the toilet.
so i accompanied her.
actually jocelyn was supposed to accompany her.
but surely both of them will get scared in the end.
decided to go the toilet outside the science lab.
while walking there i told her there was 'something' in the last cubicle.
i did it for good purposes not to scare her!
then i entered the toilet first.
emilia didnt want to enter lah!!
she say i was gonna scare her.
i sweared hell lots of times i wanst gonna scare her.
but she choose not to listen.
in the end she didnt even enter the toilet and we went back to class.
at the end of the lessons i told msfazlin that emilia didnt dare use the toilet.
msfazlin made her even more scared by telling the class freaky stuff.
emilia was covering her ears.
though msfazlin intended to scare emilia.
i bet some other ppl like jocelyn freaked out too right?!
oh btw emilia said i looked scary!!!!!!!!!!

after sch went for the malay theatre.
gosh its such a waste of time.
was practically trying to keep myself awake.
and when i couldnt take it.
i juz dozed off.
then my body was lyk kept rocking back and forth.
and the show was so borring!
i could have been training happily if not for this!
but going for trainings can also sometimes dampen my spirits.
i love netball and will fight juz for it.
if i come late or cant come.
i have my valid reasons.
but i dun usually skip trainings.
and i only come late on tuesdays cuz of maths clinic.
and now i guess i'll be missing september hols training.
this buggs me even more.
knowing that i wont be able to come for training.
i juz wonder how some ppl are able to get off so easily without a reason.
and while i have reasons i cant be excused.
managed to do some shots while the rest trained.
stopped at 100 cuz my arms began to get numb.

while walking home saw yk,zhenyi and a ew other 2a peeps.
and when yk called i gave an irritated reply.
i'm really so sorry.
i didnt noe you all were waiting for me.
sorry sorry.
i feel damn guilty now.
i myself cant figure out why we keep arguing now.
little matters juz sparks me off.
and i'll only regret afterwards.
but wads the point of that.
its lyk we cant talk much face to face .
if we do i think i'll get easily pissed off for dunno why.
you thought i wouldnt apologise.
but here i am specially apologising to you.
maybe my mind was juz in a whirl.
and i let it out on you.
i know you wont mind after a while.
but i still feel i should apologise.
now that everything's okay.
i wont be so fierce/harsh/mean or whatever words you use to describe it.

i'll juz elaborate on the main points.
was supposed to watch movie with sherry.
cindy and yk came along too.
actually wanted to watch alone but they dun have that show anymore.
so we not that sure what to watch.
after sch me and cindy walked to cck sports complex to wait fro sherry.
yk didnt go in the end cuz of certain reasons.
when we reached the pool.
found out sherry not there!
she went home to get some stuff for her dad.
so i wasted my money to go in the pool.
talked to sheena and mryeo was lyk looking until very wad luhs.
cuz we were standing very close and also holding hands while talking.
maybe he thinks we're les??
like that only what.
not as if we doin illegal stuff.
then after he shooed me away the mood for chatting disappeared!
then waited for them and took bus to lot1.
sherry told us to meet her there.
but in the end she said she not coming.
she called me up to apologise.
but really i dont mind.
you are sick.
go and rest.
and the reason why i went along today cuz i didnt wanna see you cry.
we can still go out some other time.
take care of yourself first.
thats what matters most to me.
went back to school cuz had india meeting at night.
ssc peeps were playing frisbee.
but got chased away by the principal herself.
after the meeting was super happy.
cuz my dad gave in.
i really have to thank the teachers and my parents of course.
i shall work harder.
all i have to do is study hard!

Monday, August 13, 2007

had india meeting early in the morning.
and i forgot almost everything needed to bring along.
then was informed that we had a TAF camp this friday.
guess i wont be sleeping.
but who will stay awake with me??
pe was fun.
played floorball.
first game was okay.
but i was caught off guard by xiuxuan who juz hit away my ball easily.
wanted to kick daniellim out lah!
second game was lousy!
got kicked out in the beginning.
jiaqi lah!
anyhow hit when i thought we ganged up to kill daniellim.
the game was great.
but it could have been better if everyone had sportsmanship
and not be sore losers.
its juz a game lah.
had badminton theory test too after that.
but it was an open book test.
so was very easy to get full marks.
mrkoh didnt come again.
and some ppl were so damn childish.
fancy playing such stuff in the class at your age.
and you could still argue when you were in the wrong.
disturbed annita during recess.
but she was let off due to some reasons.
i shall get my revenge sooner or later.
ohoh.i disturbed june too!
chem lessons were okay.
english lesons went by quite fast.
even after msfazlin said it was gonna be boring.
didnt think so though.
escaped from being caught for not doin malay homework.
was in a hugging mood after lessos so hugged a few ppl.
had india meeting shortly after.
yk waited for me even though the meeting lasted quite long.
we actually wanted to watch alone but in the end didnt watch.
watching this thursday with sherry at causeway.
saw zona,sherry and a few other ppl at lot1.
and there's this sherry's primary school friend who's very very cute lah.
and sherry molested me again cuz yk go say got money in my uniform pocket!
me and yk went to eat at kfc after that.
was slacking around at the third level while i was chewing on ice.
felt bored then started spitting ice down downstairs.
i didnt know i would be so accurate.
one of the ice drop onto a guy's laptop and another one slipped down his shirt.
both of us went to the library after that.
saw amanda,sokmeng,kangrong and jiashun.
read a book or so and got bored.
couldnt find yk after that.
went outside to look for him.
and in the end found him using the comp!!
sat down next to him and looked thru blogs and friendsters.
at around 6plus both of us wanted to go home.
but when i stood up i couldnt walk!
leg cramp!
then that evil yk go push me some more!
so grab onto his shoulder and tried to walk but it didnt help much lah.
cuz he kept saying itchy!
after a while my leg got better already.
yk took the train while i walked to the bus station.
was looking out for 2a modern dancers.
but didnt see them.
so took the next bus that came.
saw that crazy boy again.
here i am sitting and blogging while revising lit with zhenyi.
i hope i wont screw up for tmr's common test.
or else i'll say byebye to lit course.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

being woke up early in the morning by yk's sms.
it was around 9plus i think.
its early for someone lyk me okay!
i usually wake up after 12.
so was smsing and sleeping while replying him.
slept a few times before getting up to bathe.
yk told me they were meeting up at 11.15am.
so i left my house to walk to the venue at 11.05am.
in the end he told me it was the meeting time at lot1.
then i had to wait for a long time.
then i said it was ok.
cuz i though i had to wait the most for about 15mins.
but i was so so wrong!
they came only after around 45mins!
and the weather was freaking hot!
kept sweating.
and what i thought was true.
i wore until too formal!
mard said seh will wear formally too.
but in the end she didnt!
both the bride and groom looked great!
well who wouldnt on their wedding day.
and colleen teased me saying i was goin to get married on that day too!
hey i not wearing until lyk a bride luh!!LOL!!
marilyn looked very feminine too.
went to lot1 after that with the 2a peeps.
mard and thoven wanted to go town.
wished i could go along but i had to go home by 4!
argh!never mind.
i have to wait until after september.
loitered around and went arcade.
yk and zhenyi didnt want to go home.
so they took the same bus with me.
and evil zhenyi dont want let me sit with her.
she only give me two choices.
sit with yk or sit in hot sun.
or course i didnt want to sit in the sun.
so sat with yk.
evil zhenyi!
the two of them wanted to go danielchia house.
we alighted at the same stop but walked different ways.
and yk..i removed your present cuz i was sweating lah!
if not later it will sure get lost!
zhenyi told me yk shouted up my block.
but i didnt even hear anything.
yk shouted damn loud but i still didnt hear anything.
and i dun live near cindy.
i think you all shout wrong place??
i did wait for quite long.
but still didnt see you two.
so i went to sleep.
damn tired lah.
not enough sleep from ytd.
feel lyk watching alone.
heard its good.
yk said he's okay with it but no money.
hahas.both of us no money.
if i got the money i'll surely treat you one lah.
next time okay.
tmr maybe need go and get injected!
i dunno why but i kinda lyk injections!
though i would be able to finish all my homework.
but managed to complete some of them only.
went out at night.
went to causeway at first to eat kfc.
yeah specifically went there juz to eat kfc.
after that went to airpost.
cuz its been ages since i went there.
and it has changed alot!
me and my cousin kept on singing the gatsby song on the way there.
and there was this guy who danced along to the song when i played it!
practically had teh whole carriage of train to ourselves.
cuz not much ppl were around.
i wanted to stay overnight.
but some of us wanted to go home.
so in the end intended to take the last train home.
but we missed that!
so took bus all the way to causeway.
then took cab home.
i still feel like goin to airport again!
its quite a nice place to study.
but such a regret i forgot to bring my homework along.
went to see esplanade to see the fireworks.
all i can say its a disappointment.
cuz the previous years were nicer.
even my cousins agreed so.
well nth much to post bout national day

Friday, August 10, 2007

ndp celebration at kranji sec!
day started out fine.
1b juniors wanted to see my lion costume but oh well you guys have to wait.
met up with danielL winz and keith.
sheena also followed me around.
i dunno why but felt nice to have her around.
after that went to the 3rd level with my two assistants, chaunping and xiuxuan.
changed into the costume.
xiuxuan was really a great help!
assembled outside music room and got briefed.
our class was the first one to go.
so went down to the first level.
upon hearing the emcee saying bout our class i juz started crawling.
it hurts alot crawling on the parade square ground!!
and walked wrongly lah! are supposed to cover the whole parade square!
never mind lah.
it did mean i had to crawl less.
i missed out on all the performance lah!!!
i really really wanted to see the band performance!!
heard something funny happened during flaggie?
aww..i missed out on alot of stuff i guess.
in the end heard from yk 2a&3d got first for the fashion parade.
me and keith also got interviewed by the newpaper crew.
i really have to thank peiling and gang for helping out with my costume.
if not for them there wont be a lion costume.
really sorry cuz the costume is damaged now.
after the whole event had india meeting unexpectedly!
and i already told zhenyi to wait for me.
in the end yk peisi and zhenyi waited for me bout 1 hour plus?!
and in total i recieved 2sms and 46calls from yk, 6calls from zhenyi.
but i couldnt answer cuz my phone wasnt even with me during the meeting.
sorry yeah guys.
went to causeway after that.
did nth much there.
was looking for msnat present too.
felt really bored so decided to go back to lot1.
saw mardy thoven and hwyi.
saw sheena too.
accompany her to buy her lunch at macdonald.
then went home cuz i told my mum i will be home by 3.
i shall be a good girl in order to get to go for that only trip.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

nth much today.
had home econs practical exams after school.
cooked spaghetti.
but the best thing is i forgot to bring my container!
how the hell was i gonna keep my food?!
saw an empty container in the home econs room and decided to use it.
i was left with not much choice already.
luckily mdmtan didnt see me.
after cooking the spaghetti realised i cooked too much noodles itself.
but the problem is i had no storage space.
didnt feel lyk throwing them away too.
so i secretly took a big silver bowl and filled it up with the leftover noodles.
then when mdmtan wasnt looking i quickly dodged out and placed the bowl outside.
after my presentation and stuff.
i took my things and the silver bowl to go for my maths clinic.
ate the spaghetti juz lyk tat with afew other ppl especially thaqif.
and btw my meatballs are nice ok!
it was cooked!
and mslow is a very nice teacher lah.
i like her too!
after maths clinic went to see juniors train.
me and jocelyn did some passes.
then all of a sudden coach said seh wanted to throw some passes with us too.
and it was gonna be HARD passes.
at first was terrified of jocelyn's and coach's balls.
but in the end got used to it.
jocelyn is lyk keep running away from coach.
but coach in the end still prefer to throw at her than me.HAHAHAHA.
did some shots here and there.
saw the band ppl practising for the ndp rehearsal too.
coach asked me yuting and jocelyn to play game with juniors.
performance not tat gd cuz it was hard to move around in uniform.
played GS and GK too.
the game was okay.
not that tiring actually.
coach challenged me shooting again today after so long.
i won her again!!
after training ended coach played frisbee with afew kranjians which included jocelyn.
there was once coach was monkey then jocelyn was holding the frisbee.
then coach snatched the frisbee away from her.
its hard to explain here wad really happened.
but the whole scene was very very hilarious and cute too.
its nice to see coach in a gd mood and everyone juz enjoying themselves!
hope to have more of these kind of days :DD

Sunday, August 5, 2007

my dad sucks lah!
after going thru all the interview.
i got selected to go for the india exchange program.
but he spoilt everything.
i'm not a small kid already lah.
last time i got selected to go malaysia but you didnt allow.
you're letting another good opportunity pass by again.
dont you understand its a very rare chance where students get chosen to go overseas?
guess i'll have to let tis chance go by juz lyk last time.
you'll nvr give in to me.......

Saturday, August 4, 2007

feel lyk updating but at the same time dun feel lyk updating.
have the urge to blog but cant seem to do so.
yeah so maybe juz a short one for now.
i'll juz randomly write down the important stuff that happened.

the beijing students have come!
we started off with a modern dance performance in the morning.
the dance disappointed me though.
the dancers didnt have the energy i saw at the SYF showcase.
the china students eventually came to 2A.
there's this one guy me and mard like to disturb.
he's no other than CHENCHEN!!!
he's very nice to talk to.
mard will take no chances not to flirt with this guy!
hope they have a nice stay with us.
and dun get scared by my loud voice yeah!

mstock scolded me!
she said i lost alot alot of weight.
so i got scolded by her as i was walking back to class from streetdance.
she said some seniors complained bout me not eating.
i did try to eat more this time.
then not only that.
after sch she caught me again.
this time for not tucking in my shirt. many times getting caught by her.

streetdance exam is coming real soon!
gotta learn all my moves and not fail the test.
i dun expect to get high as long as i dun fail it.
gotta master my baby freeze.
and have to keep up with the fast beat.
with practise i shall be able to do it!

trainig was cancelled on thursday as coach got gastric flu.
heard from xindi its very sickly as the person will keep vomitting.
take care coach!
had our normal physical training on fri.
juz as i had expected we didnt run outside.
its juz the weather lah.
why be so bothered.
if coach was there will you guys still not run?
coach will still make us run no matter wad.
so why give these kind of excuses now.
i went for the NDP rehearsal in between and went back to training soon.
we did the normal ball passes and medicine balls.
and ran up and down the staircase.
the distance was much much shorter compared to 2.4km but still ppl walked.
saw some netbies playing frisbee after that.
thought hot what then why still play.

didnt feel lyk goin home so stayed in sch.
talked to lynn after so long.
dun be so stressed up yeah.
treated the 1B juniors.
went to see the flaggie performance.
went to look at lynn de-stressing.
and yk was lyk doin his flaggie in front of the 1st floor lift itself.
lynn say she's fascinated by you even though it looks abit gay.LOL.
xindi say i not good at lying...
really meh??
thought i was good at it!
went home with yk after that.
was very tired wen reached home.
went online for awhile and slept soon after.

about ____
doesnt mean you run 2.4km its already enough.
you didnt even go for detention.
even if you see wad i wrote her i dun give a damn.
after all wad i'm writing will be the truth.
you can even go watch a movie on that day.
seemed like you had it all planned.
seemed like you already decied not to come for training.
what makes you think you have a right to decide.
c'mon lah you're juz a new comer to the team.
you dun have to choice to whether you can come or not.
doesnt mean coach not there you can make advantage of that situation.
and you seemed so cool bout the whole thing.
its as if you did nothing wrong.
well as a matter of factly u did!
you did not come training without a valid reason!
though i'll see some improvement in you but i was wrong.
your other classmates improved but you slacked.
i dun see passion in you at all.
then why do you deserve do be in the team.
might as well give your place to some one who deserves it more.
i would rather they put some one who has passion and is willing to learn.
and you still could say you didnt want any misunderstanding with the seniors.
then why are you doin all this?!
and i shouldnt be giving a damn if you dont yourself.
dont let the team be pulled down because of you.

didnt know this post will turn out that long!